Calculator - Operations

From Hackman's Configuration's menu, select Configure Calculator submenu. A dialog box will apear with the following options:

Arithmetic: the four arithmetic operations supported are [addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), and division (/) ]. Note that to enter arithmetic operation mode, you need to configure the calculator.
Bit Manipulation: the bit manipulation mode supports logical OR (|), logical AND (&), exclusive or XOR (^), negation NOT (~), left shift (<<), and right shift (>>)
Shift << or >>: The left shift (<<) and right shift (>>) operators require a second value specifying the amount of bytes to shift. For example to left shift 0xFF by 1 bit, enter FF << 1 =., by 4 bits enter FF << 4 =. Further it should be noted the left and right shift do not rotate the most significant and least significant bit (because that would be dependent on data type).
